About Annemarie

Hey guys, gals, and lonely wanderers. My name is Annemarie, a young professional, writer, coffee lover, and gastric bypass patient who is located in the Boston area. In January of 2012 I took it upon myself to undergo weight loss surgery. I was 337 pounds, only 20 years old, and I was trapped in my own body. Like many overweight individuals I tried everything–Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, South Beach, and other weight loss plans. I  had polycystic ovaries syndrome, high cholesterol, depression, anxiety, and I was pre-diabetic. I experienced shortness of breath, kidney stones, lack of energy, and other inconveniences of obesity. It was during an appointment with my doctor that the topic of motherhood arose. I was told that with my prior history, size, and polycystic ovaries that having children would be difficult. The information terrified me and I inquired about my options. Losing weight would significantly help, but I knew I couldn’t do it without a tool. My doctor recommended weight loss surgery and I quickly began my research.

Four years later I am about 120 pounds lighter, six sizes smaller, and healthier than ever. I am still overweight and my journey remains underway, but my experience has mold me into the person I am today. Since the weight loss I’ve taken on a change of lifestyle–physical and mental. My goal is to share what I’ve learned from my experience and to form a community with other gastric bypass patients, or anyone involved in the bariatric community. Together we can be healthy.

Twitter– @Bypass_Beauty
Facebook group– Bypass Beauties
Instagram– bypass_beauty
YouTube and G+– Bypass Beauty

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